Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Update of recent goings on

Bran played his first football game.  They lost to Granger.  Was good for him to get some experience.  He needs some un-biased coaching from 3rd parties (Matt and Dad) as I have never played Def. tackle offensive guard.  But we are having fun watching him enjoy it and supporting him.  He is one of the larger guys on the team(150lbs) so they put him on the line and put all the little guys in the other positions. I remember in AZ 9th grade football we had at least 8 guys 180 plus.  There are only a few 160 plus and the rule is 160 or heavier u have to play the line,  even if you are a potential emmet smith.   I told him to tough it out a year and he will be playing a position that fits more his skill set.  Madi is loving dance, she just started last year and tried out for the advanced dance last year to be in it this year, before she really got into classes and she didn't make it.  She approached the teacher 1st week back this year and I think blew the teacher away.  She put her in advncd dance on the spot.  Kind of a confidence booster for Madi.  Rylan is loving soccer and he is glad to get back to school.  With his daily injections, his body is going through some changes.  I guess body builders use the Human Growth Hormone to get ripped, metabolize fat and show muscles better.  Ry is a little muscle.  I can even see the muscles in his jaw. No fat and this hormone is really making him have an appetite,  maybe  a little moodier too? or is that just part of childhood I guess. 1.25 inches a month and a half.
 Angi started work yesterday!  Was an emotional day before.  Lots of mixed feelings, emotions.  I can't imagine what she was going through but she pulled it off like a trooper. Her office is a block from mine.  Will be fun to have lunches with her.  Eventually she will be working from home but not for some months.
Let's get together for a Dinner at our house before the end of Sept.  BBQ on a sunday afternoon.


megantonesforever said...

Hooray Angi! Sounds good Brett.

shauna/doug said...

Oh my. Everyone changing and movin' up. We wish we could see a football game, watch the dance team, and see the lines on a growth chart. Be sure and keep track of it. And Angi, good for you. What a year! Hang in there, all you Linde's.

The Letterman's said...

hope your having fun Angi with the new job or at least for now the newness outweigh the "hardness" of a new job! Let's totally get together that would be awesome!